Monday, March 29, 2010

The Article I Wrote For Today's Vintage Is Up

Check it out!
The article I wrote for the April issue of Today's Vintage is up on their website at
The editor took a little creative license and changed the title of the piece from Cleaning Spring to illuminating Spring. I think she gets my humor, but she is afraid the reader's won't. I shouldn't complain, the piece is about lighting...

This is in my old store on the corner of Mission and Precita in San Francisco, which is now a BBQ restaurant 

The light fixtures are made from commercial whisks

From what I can tell, the editor couldn't squeeze in all of the photos I sent. They are all fantastic, I'm sure she had a difficult time choosing which photos to use.

Friday, March 26, 2010

A Ticket For Rush!

rush needs a ticket  
Image in Public Domain. Click here to Download hi-res.  

What if you want to donate more than $1?
You can email us to arrange that; FYI we'd love to talk, but a response might take a little while. Don't give up hope!

Friday, March 19, 2010

The Light Bulb Factory Is turning On In San Francisco!!!

An Invitation To Join

The Light Bulb Factory is a think tank for highly talented and underemployed individuals that meet once a week to discuss and spark ideas as well as pool resources in the area of making a living in the city of San Francisco.

Topics will include:
Starting your Own Business
What Type Of Business To Start
Your Unique Skill Set
How To Work With, Find, Or Get OPM (Other People's Money)
Your Fears And Dreams
(photo from Inclusive Solutions)
Are you in?
Please, send an email with days and times during the week you are free for one hour on a weekly basis to:

Friday, March 12, 2010

Is This A New Thing?

Is it me or are the bike paths getting bigger?

Steiner Going Towards Oak Right Past Page.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

My Article in Today's Vintage

I am very happy to write for Today's Vintage, a magazine (in print and online) that features many articles about vintage items. I have a terrible time coming up with decorating tips that have to be whittled down to teeny-weeny bite size bits for easy swallowing. I have always found it easier to write twenty pages than have to say exactly what I mean in 500 words or less. To put it in perspective, five hundred words is about a page and this blog post has 784 words.

Writing this latest bit about how to decorate a baby's room with vintage furniture, kicked my ASS! I am not a baby person, per say. I think that might have come out in the article, because I could tell that it was edited in a way, as not to offend. For instance, the title of the article I submitted was not published. In retrospect, that is probably a good thing.

However, that is not the worst thing about the published article. I don't like the layout, it is very messy and they added photos of objects I would never (in a million years, even if my life depended upon it) ever use. They are far from what I would consider stylish elements, IE the lamp and S is for Sweet Pea thingy.

Other than that I am happy...the few other parts that were changed enhanced the piece. However, they didn't like my crack about eating babies...

Wait a minute...I spelled a word wrong in my original title, how embarrassing!

Here's the link for the online version

Below is the version I submitted to them...
When The Bough Breaks

Your home is finally exactly how you want it. Each room is furnished with vintage finds you have carefully selected over many years that cleverly express your unique style. It hasn’t been easy, especially when your cat decided to dig to China through the 1960 Swiss shag rug made from New Zealand wool, or when the movers reduced the 18th century corner table into kindling right before your very eyes, and even after your boyfriend moved in with all of his tools and his fourteen-year-old dog.

Now, that a baby is being thrown into the mix, you might be wondering if sticking with your vintage style may be shelved, like jogging or clubbing.  You know you will be able to find adorable vintage pieces for your little bundle of joy, but your biggest concern is whether they will be safe. Have no fear vintage can be baby friendly! 

Here are a few tips that might help you maintain your sense of style while gaining a family. 

1)    Find baby furniture with a natural finish. Lead paint was not banned in the United States until 1978. Leave it natural or choose one of the non-toxic paint or finishes entering the market.
2)    Make sure everything is thoroughly cleaned with no repairs or rickety parts.
3)    Vintage crib bedding should be in the original package, unused.
4)    Follow the Consumer Product Safety Commission crib safety measures
a)    Crib should have a firm mattress that fits tightly into the crib.
b)    Make sure that the crib is assembled properly and that no parts are loose, missing or broken.
c)    There should be no more than 2 3/8 inches between the slats of the crib and there should be no missing or broken slats.
d)    The crib should have no cutouts in the headboard or footboard, in which the baby's head could get trapped.
e)    Doesn't have decorative knobs or corner posts higher than 1/16 inch.

You might not want to go with authentic baby furniture from the early 1900’s, but if Victorian is your style you may choose a new crib and decorate the rest of the room with antiques. If your place is already decorated with classic mid century modern pieces, Knoll kids is the place to shop for the scaled down and hypoallergenic versions of the classics manufactured just for children. An iconic theme, for example, vintage Winnie the Pooh sheets, curtains, lamps, clocks, etc. never used, are very accessible. Plus, there are stores online that carry vintage wallpaper from 1950 cowboys and Indians to 1960’s Peter Max type images.

Remember, stick with styles you already have in your house and pick a theme. The pieces do not have to be from the same era, unless a particular time period is your theme. If, you cannot pick a theme, start with one piece and build the room around it. Don’t worry, I am here to tell you that it is all do-able, you can have your baby, I mean cake and eat it, too!