Friday, March 19, 2010

The Light Bulb Factory Is turning On In San Francisco!!!

An Invitation To Join

The Light Bulb Factory is a think tank for highly talented and underemployed individuals that meet once a week to discuss and spark ideas as well as pool resources in the area of making a living in the city of San Francisco.

Topics will include:
Starting your Own Business
What Type Of Business To Start
Your Unique Skill Set
How To Work With, Find, Or Get OPM (Other People's Money)
Your Fears And Dreams
(photo from Inclusive Solutions)
Are you in?
Please, send an email with days and times during the week you are free for one hour on a weekly basis to:


  1. I don't think I am available but I am very very interested in OPM!

  2. You would be perfect for this club, because you would bring specific skill sets others do not possess AND you are underemployed!
